
title says it all....

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

speed of time

My my...doesn't time just passes so fast??? that's BRILLIANT!!! Then, i can go home faster, see how Malaysia looks like again... go yam cha every night...sleep late.. and just be lazy ol' me again!! Cool...hahhaha..well, i'd thought it'll be the opposite when i get here..like you know how it is when you just laze around all day...watch the clock tick away, hear the timer of my heater tick too.., eat chocs and watch tv..go to uni with thev ever-so-efficient bus (they really are man..right on time!! u can NVR get this service back home, not in a million years), and of course my precious beauty sleep...which doesn't work obviously...heheh..

Well, so how am i taking Adelaide??? Besides its known name of 'city of boredom' and seeing the tallest building as tall as our apartments back home, i think it did shed some light for me to see things clearer in perspectives..regardless of where u are, place doesn't matter, what it all matters that realizing that what you have at home can't beat anything else in the world... So what, if Malaysia's still working on moving out as a 3rd world country?? I still get to drive, still get to earn even dough, still get priorities sometimes...and not forgetting too, it makes you appreciate things more... for me, its relationship. You know, before coming to Oz, though be it a year, i felt, it was a turning point of a new beginning.. A brand new stepping stone towards this ambiguous future u might say.. and I had a bbq in mind. Though it was just a bbq, which of course is really unnecessary, it was something important to me.. the fact that, leaving your friends behind can bring unexpected changes in just a year maybe, people change and regardless of its outcome, at least i knew this person came for my bbq and took the initiative to spend some time with me... and that was my point. I think its something that no one else knew. Well, now u all know. Just called some close friends, some old some new. And throughout the process of preparing myself mentally and emotionally, some important people in mylife didn't quite approve of the need of having this farewell..i mean it upsetted me a whole lot. I felt at that very moment, me leaving is a daily thing..u know, xcept for my pooch..and that it didn't matter at all..so i felt leaving was the best way out. To get away from additional sources of depression and disappointment. After a stressful string of events, i managed to get everyone together. I was happy, even overjoyed, the fact that, at the end, everyone knew how important it was for me. I didn't wanna lose friendship, nor end any. So, yea, now i ponder over it, i think my effort was well worth the stress and energy taken up. Thank you to all of you who helped me..Abel and Xavy, wouldn't have made a good one without ur cooking skills...hahha, to my baby, although i was a little upset with him, he was there for me..to all my other close friends, i love you all...and there's a reason why i called u guys to come.. to those who i didn't call, i'm sorry.. my house couldnt take the capacity of people i wanted to call...well, not to say that all of you could come anyway..heheheh. Well, long one, but yea, just to pour out some thoughts i've been keeping. Love you all, be good citizens of Malaysia, Malaysia boleh!!! WTf?? syndrome of isolation...


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