
title says it all....

Thursday, August 19, 2004

precious friends

heya everyone.. hmm..although i should be studying, i'm still trying to get over the fact that i can freely use the internet now!! So, yea, making good use of it. thought i'd share some nice things with you all..strangers, close friends, not so close friends, mother father...fluffy...whoever. I wanna say that i'm really blessed with friends God sent from above. Well, this will be my tribute to all who've been there, putting up with my shit, listening to my crap, laughing at my lamo jokes, and of course to those who do cherish me as one friend who can never be replaced. Since i'm away, i'd very much like to go home now and see everyone. Maybe even give u all a little peck and long hug for each of you..heheheh.. I love you guys so much!!! Maybe in time to come, we move on, moving on to the next stage in life.. working life. So much to learn, so much to adapt to, maybe so much to change too.. so now i say thank you, you know who you are. I love you all and just don't ever erase this friendship ok?? Yea, feeling emotional, and sleepy...love u all!!!! Muaaakksss!!!!


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